that's cool. I would love to play the game
that's cool. I would love to play the game
quite fitting. I think the animation is really good. And I see it as a little dig at the greed that comes with pushing your luck too far. (Although you always lose and get ripped off if there's a demon behind it)
the art of stillness is cute.
I'm not sure if I understood it correctly, but I would interpret the basic message of the video as follows:
It's about the fact that you should first love/value yourself before you enter into a relationship. If you don't know yourself, how are you supposed to get to know someone else and deal with others when you can't even get along with yourself. In a situation like that, you're very susceptible to toxic relationships and that's certainly not productive.
It doesn't mean that you should break up immediately over little things, but you should know that you're worth something and should stand up for yourself. But finding the middle ground isn't particularly easy, as is often the case with other things. However, I'm sure that neither one nor the other extreme is right.
Does that make sense? Is that what you're trying to say with the animation?
el arte de la quietud es lindo.
No estoy seguro de haberlo entendido correctamente, pero interpretaría el mensaje básico del vídeo de la siguiente manera:
Se trata del hecho de que primero debes amarte/valorarte a ti mismo antes de entablar una relación. Si no te conoces a ti mismo, ¿cómo se supone que vas a conocer a otra persona y tratar con los demás cuando ni siquiera puedes llevarte bien contigo mismo? En una situación como esa, eres muy susceptible a tener relaciones tóxicas y eso ciertamente no es productivo.
No significa que debas romper inmediatamente por pequeñas cosas, pero debes saber que vales algo y debes defenderte. Pero encontrar un punto medio no es especialmente fácil, como suele ocurrir con otras cosas. Sin embargo, estoy seguro de que ni uno ni el otro extremo tienen razón.
¿Tiene sentido? ¿Es eso lo que intentas decir con la animación?
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Thank you!
That's really cute. especially the end. everyone is silent, only the fater cheers
i wonder what a zelda would be like if the makers of dark souls and nintendo made a souls like game in the zelda universe, that would be really cool.
ok that has something
I like it
.... and with a bit of bad luck, she chokes on the Quaso
lol a lot of them couldn't pay the 'goods'.
it's so peaceful
i am an artist who wants to improve his art.
I like to draw monster girls and also spell pages.
I like to change characters from well-known anime series and manga. and turn them into monsters.
in a tomb
Joined on 10/21/21